Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Al-Ahli Hospital

I needed to get back into physiotherapy for my back now that I'm settled here in Doha. Most doctors work out of a hospital instead of private practice so last night I went to see the orthopedist at Al-Ahli Hospital, the newest and most western-style hospital in the city. Hospitals in the US, take a lesson. The waiting areas were filled with comfortable couches and chairs. While you wait, a lovely lady comes around and asks if you would like anything to drink: tea, juice, water. I tried to get some grading done while I waited but things happened so quickly that I didn't really have time to get much done. I went for an x-ray in the same building and then returned to the doctor to have him read the x-ray and prescribe physiotherapy. He also prescribed some medicine that I could get right at the hospital pharmacy which happens to be the cheapest place to get medicines. What a difference!

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