Sunday, October 19, 2008

She said what?

What are my students like? Diverse. I'll regale you with stories from time to time. Here's a story of one very unusual Qatari student.

One of my Seniors, a girl, came to class the other day. When she needed something to write with she asked me for a pencil. I noticed her rather large purse sitting on the table beside the monitor and said, "Don't you have a pencil in that big purse of yours?"

She replied, "Now why would I carry a pencil in my purse?!"

It took me several moments to gather my wits about me after her response registered. Then I just started laughing. Out loud and in her face.

Then she said, "If you want lotion or germ-x or something like that, then we can talk."

I laughed even harder. The best part is that she couldn't understand why I was laughing!

I absolutely love working with kids.


Just Me said...

Priceless!!! Come on Miss wouldn't really expect her to carry a pencil to school, now would you?

Footnotes said...

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking!

Hey, are you feeling better now?