Friday, October 17, 2008

First Games Night

Wahoo! Many people in my building love games! Last night I hosted the first Games Night of the building, a kind of last-minute thing but very casual. We did have 6 people just to play Risk (Riett and Frans, DK and Crystal, Bree and myself) and others dropped by during the night as their plans allowed (Ryan and Renee, Donna, Regina, and Sanford).

I got booted out of the game first by Frans so I never got to complete my mission which was to hold both Africa and North America. The best part was when Frans, who is South African, battled me for South Africa and my guys really fought well against him, taking out several of his guys. But alas, Frans' guys were just too strong (many) for my army of 8 and the real South African took over the territory.

Some of us played with puzzles most of the evening. At one point Sanford and I were scrambling to find string to use to play Cat's Cradle and then looking all over the internet for the steps we couldn't remember. That was so much fun! I even learned some I never knew, like the mouse. Okay, now go search for it. You know you want to.

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