Friday, October 17, 2008

Cost of Red-Light Running...

So what is the fine for running a red light in your neck of the woods? I just found out that here in Doha the cost is 6000 Qatari Riyals (QR) which is $1643.84 (US Dollars). The fine alone is just enormous but the second time you do it the fine is doubled! The cost keeps doubling until your license is revoked. Talk about expensive!

No, I didn't get the ticket, a colleague did. But there's a catch. She didn't run a red light, she ran a flashing green light. What's a flashing green light? Well, you've got the solid green light. The next in the cycle is a flashing green light to warn you that the light is about to change. The light then changes to a solid yellow which only lasts about 4 seconds or so and then it changes to red. So she got a ticket for running a flashing green?? It's not even yellow yet!

As for me, I'll just get in the habit of stopping at all green lights, just in case!


Jocelyn said...

Hi Kim - I know, those fines are huge, it sucks that a friend of yours got one. But I don't think it was for going through a flashing green light - we have gone through some of those and we have not gotten tickets. I think the trick is that the cameras will give you a fine if you SPEED through the light before it turns red. Maybe your friend sped up when it was flashing to get through, and that's why she got a ticket? That's why we have been trying to go under the speed limit whenever going through an intersection.

Just Me said...

Well, I think that you should just come home...we miss you!!! JK (about the coming home part, not the missing you part!!)
I don't think that I would drive...let everyone else drive you around...kinda like a queen or something!! :)

Footnotes said...

Her ticket said flashing green. Amazing.