First and foremost, I received my residency permit today. Wahoo!!! That means that I can request high-speed internet maybe as early as tomorrow. Who knows how long it will actually take to get it working... For now, I still have dial-up which is so caveman. It takes about a minute for a page with no major graphics to show up and longer for pages with lots of pictures or videos. As for watching videos of any kind, no dice. I try to stay at work late so I can do essential internet things. I will post more regularly when I have better internet at home. Promise!
School is going really well. Open house is tomorrow night so I'm just a bit nervous (always am at a new school). My Algebra II course is reviewing basic Algebra I skills, three weeks into the semester. My Robotics course has students making their robots move, turn in circles, do point turns, back up, park, say things and use the display. Now they are working on a project to combine everything in one program and make the robots follow an obstacle course. The Intro to Programming students have just finished their first video game in Scratch and really enjoyed making them. One game is titled: The Caveman and the Search for the Golden Toilet. Gotta love student creativity!! LOL!
The AP Comp Sci students finally have the JDK installed properly on their home computers so now they can actually program for homework. They like the course and we started with 'objects early'! They are learning the differences between classes, objects and methods already and will be able to do a lot quickly. I'm excited for tomorrow's class because I get to show them the API and their Java world will expand exponentially.
On the home front, I bought some bookcases and spent part of the weekend building them. Now my books have a home that's not a cardboard box or the floor. I also found some nice lamps for the living room but I'm still looking for something for the bedroom. My DVD player that has been in storage for the last year is working perfectly and I am soooooo thankful! Cable is up and running and my favorite channels are there: Hallmark and TCM.
Socially, I'm not doing too much right now because I'm working so much. I've found a few people in my building that I enjoy spending time with and can't wait to have more time for them. I've been attending a church here and am looking forward to when Bible studies begin.
Well, gonna go for now. It's nearly 8pm and I would like to see my home for bit today. :-)
Miss you all!!!!!!!
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