Wow, I haven't blogged in 4 months! You folks are patient with me. It's been a real rollercoaster with my job here from the end of December to the beginning of March. I was facing an absolute TON of work (about 16 hours a day), most of which had no real effect on the students and I was getting quite depressed. So I stopped blogging. I stopped communicating. I sometimes do that when things are rough because I can't seem to find a way to be positive. As I was taught, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. While that maxim definitely has its place in this world, I'm learning that there are times when you just need to be honest, with yourself and the people around you.
I'm learning this from a woman who is blogging very honestly about her experiences with her very sick son, Stellan. Go to and read. And then pray. You see, Stellan wasn't expected to survive until birth because of a heart defect discovered while he was still in the womb. Now he is about 5 months old but back in the hospital with a VERY fast heartbeat. MckMamma, as she refers to herself, has to be the most real blogger I've read in a long time. I hope her tales impact you as much as they have me.
On more mundane matters, school is better now that I'm not teaching a 4th prep (the Algebra II class) and I can focus on trying to really get my head wrapped around the new courses I'm teaching. I'm happier and I'm enjoying what I'm doing now. The AP Comp Sci class had one team enter a programming competition at Carnegie Mellon Qatar last weekend and they took 3rd place. Way cool, especially since I feel I haven't done them justice this year. The robotics team has a competition on the 25th and it's called Botball, if any of you have heard of it before. If not, check it out at It's a fun competition.
The biggest thing on my plate right now is finishing my major paper (almost like a thesis) for my master's degree. It is overtaking everything but the work is soooooo interesting so it's okay. Please pray that I don't procrastinate AT ALL IN THE NEXT WEEK as it seriously needs to get done and I'm such a distractable person.
Well, anyway, sorry to be away so long. I'll try to get photos of my trip to Ethiopia up and the few others I've taken since. Love you all!!!